The Highest Quality ... Best Customer Service ... Fastest Delivery.  
    The Perennial Farm was started in 1980 at its present location in Glen Arm, Maryland. We were originally a landscape design and installation company. These landscape roots have given us valuable insight into the needs of garden centers and landscapers as we have transformed and grown our business through the years.

    Today we have expanded to 60 acres and we have over 60 greenhouses and an additional 40 outside growing areas. More then half of these greenhouses are heated for year-round growing. The Perennial Farm grows to fulfill the "on demand" needs of our customers. Our plants are generally available when you need them not when we need to ship them. This allows us to have plants, at their peak, throughout the growing season. We continue to introduce new varieties of plants and have grown over 1000 different varieties for our wholesale customers.

    Address:     12017 Glen Arm Rd. Glen Arm, MD 21057
    Email:     Contact:  
    Phone:    410-592-6106   FAX:  410-592-8338


    The Perennial Farm is entering our 40th year in business at its present location in Glen Arm, Maryland. We were originally a landscape design and installation company. These valuable landscape roots have given us valuable insight into the needs of garden centers and landscapers as we have transformed and grown our business through the years. "We continually try to meet and exceed our customer’s expectations."
    What makes us “tick” - We have created an environment dedicated to doing things efficiently in all of our operations. This means understanding how to grow and produce a mature plant that is the highest quality at the lowest cost. We listen to the marketplace and continually adjust our operations, support and business strategies to meet an ever-changing business environment. Our customers have told us they want the highest quality plant material at a good price value. Customers want a high level of customer service and support. They want plant material delivered when they need it…not when a grower wants to deliver it. Lastly and most importantly, our customers want a grower who they can rely on as a business partner to help them grow their business. The Perennial Farm is recognized as the “Price Value Leader”.
    Today - We have expanded to over 60 acres and we have over 60 greenhouses and an additional 52 outside growing areas. More then half of these greenhouses are heated for year-round production. The Perennial Farm grows to fulfill the "on demand" needs of our customers. We continue to introduce new varieties of plants and have grown over 1000 different varieties for our wholesale customers. We specialize in growing quality landscape-sized perennials, ornamental grasses, hardy ferns, flowering shrubs & vines and ground cover. We continue to grow varieties that are unusual and hard to find. Our high quality standards ensure healthy and uniformly attractive plants. We have the tried and true favorites, grown in the State of Maryland.
    How have we demonstrated our business partnership?  By listening to our customers and helping them compete in an ever-changing business environment.  We’ve developed hundreds of  “silent sales aids” for our customers to use. We’ve created web sites for our customers that are totally dedicated to plant lovers…with no information on The Perennial Farm…just tons of pictures, articles and gardening tips.  A beautiful, 140-page, full color catalog …for our customer reference and gardening use.
    Perennial Availability … made easy – We have created many easy, user-friendly ways to get and review our availability. We send out weekly faxes. We publish weekly newsletters linking to important places on our various web sites.  You can download it from our web site at any time. We email the availability to you directly…or you can call our availability hotline number and a plant availability is on your fax within minutes.

    Mary's Must Have – Each week we publish Mary's Must Haves. These are plants that caught Mary Hall's eye and are plants that are gorgeous for that week. You can't go wrong with Mary's Must Have's.


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